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Bare Bones Blogger
2 min read
Fostering Friendship
Work can either be a place of creativity, excitement, and fun or a place of gloom, stress, and endless hours. A key deciding factor on...
Bare Bones Blogger
2 min read
Stay Happy at Work so it is Less Like uh, … Work
We know that everyone hates waking up at 7 am just to go to work for 8 long hours while you wait to come home. Work doesn’t have to be so...

Bare Bones Blogger
1 min read
Benefits of Exercise for the Job
Exercise doesn't just help you lose weight and break a sweat. Turns out it helps your mind too! Many studies have shown that exercise can...

Bare Bones Blogger
2 min read
Getting Rid of the Monday Morning Slump
We've all been there. Reaching for the snooze button early Monday morning, dreading the day that is about to come. Monday's have become a...

Bare Bones Blogger
1 min read
Benefits of Bringing Pets to Work and increase productivity
Who wouldn't want to have their pet by their side at all times? As Austin continues to be one of the most dog-friendly environments in...
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